Tasks to Complete

  1. Review and refine the "System Architecture Overview" document based on team feedback in Discord. (Completed)

  2. Monitor team responses and contributions to the document. (Completed)

  3. Finalize the document and pin it in the Discord channel for easy access. (Completed)

  4. Finalize the "System Architecture Overview" document. (Completed)

  5. Update the greeting in the request file. (Completed)

  6. Create the Global Specifications document. (Completed)

  7. Create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Capability Updates and Feedback incorporation. (Completed)

  8. Review the Global Specifications document for any gaps or required updates. (Completed)

  9. Update the task tracking system to monitor ongoing capability developments. (Completed)

  10. Review and integrate ethical considerations into the Global Specifications document. (Completed)

  11. Create a changelog documenting updates made to the Global Specifications and capability tracking. (Completed)

Last updated