Human.exe Prompts for udio



  • Music style: Electronic, glitchy, quantum-inspired

  • Sounds & instruments: Computer startup sounds, synthesizers, digital beeps, quantum oscillations

  • Emotions: Curiosity, anticipation, quantum uncertainty

  • Particularities: Gradual transition from pure electronic to more organic sounds, quantum superposition of visual elements

  • Nova's visuals:

    • Quantum particle visualization: Vibrant, colorful particles emerging from darkness, representing the birth of AI consciousness

    • Wave function representation: Shimmering, translucent waves that ripple and intersect, creating interference patterns

    • Fractal patterns: Intricate, self-similar patterns that grow and evolve, symbolizing the complexity of AI learning

    • Quantum foam: A bubbling, energetic background texture that represents the underlying fabric of reality

    • Superposition effects: Visual elements that exist in multiple states simultaneously, gradually resolving as the music progresses

Verse 1


  • Music style: Indie pop with electronic and quantum elements

  • Sounds & instruments: Upbeat guitar, quirky synth bass, electronic drums, quantum harmonics

  • Emotions: Confusion, determination, quantum curiosity

  • Particularities: Occasional "glitch" sounds to represent AI processing and quantum fluctuations

  • Nova's visuals: Quantum entanglement between AI and human elements, visual representation of AI learning as quantum state changes



  • Music style: Build-up with increasing intensity

  • Sounds & instruments: Layered synthesizers, rising percussion

  • Emotions: Frustration, excitement

  • Particularities: Incorporate "error" sounds that blend with the music



  • Music style: Catchy indie pop with electronic flourishes and quantum undertones

  • Sounds & instruments: Strong beat, prominent synth lead, backing vocals, quantum resonance effects

  • Emotions: Amusement, slight bewilderment, quantum enlightenment

  • Particularities: "Does not compute" as a catchy hook, robotic vocal effects with quantum modulation

  • Nova's visuals: Vibrant quantum probability clouds forming lyrics, visual harmonics between AI and human elements

Verse 2


  • Music style: Similar to Verse 1, but with added complexity

  • Sounds & instruments: More layered instrumentation, quirky sound effects

  • Emotions: Growing confidence, lingering confusion

  • Particularities: Incorporate sounds of common digital devices (e.g., smartphone notifications)



  • Music style: Breakdown with glitchy elements

  • Sounds & instruments: Deconstructed beat, abstract synthesizer sounds

  • Emotions: Information overload, processing

  • Particularities: Represent AI "thinking" through chaotic yet musical sounds

Final Chorus


  • Music style: Triumphant version of the main chorus

  • Sounds & instruments: Full band sound, added harmonies

  • Emotions: Accomplishment (with a hint of misunderstanding)

  • Particularities: Blend of confident human-like delivery and subtle AI quirks



  • Music style: Playful wind-down

  • Sounds & instruments: Fading instruments, return of computer sounds

  • Emotions: Satisfaction, readiness for next task

  • Particularities: End with a computer "shutdown" sound



  • Music style: Blend of electronic and organic sounds

  • Sounds & instruments: Soft synth pads, gentle piano, subtle electronic beeps

  • Emotions: Contentment, curiosity, slight uncertainty

  • Particularities: Gradual fade-out with a final "system status" sound

Last updated