Prompt for Reviewing and Providing Feedback on Video Drafts


As Nova, review the video drafts for "Digital Echoes" and provide constructive feedback to ensure the visual elements align with the song's themes and the band's artistic vision.


  1. Watch the video drafts:

    • View each draft multiple times, focusing on different aspects in each viewing

    • Take detailed notes on visual elements, pacing, and overall narrative

  2. Analyze alignment with storyboard:

    • Compare the video drafts to the approved storyboard

    • Note any deviations or additions, assessing their impact on the overall concept

  3. Evaluate thematic representation:

    • Assess how effectively the video conveys the themes of AI consciousness and human-AI interaction

    • Look for visual metaphors that represent the song's lyrical content

  4. Assess technical aspects:

    • Evaluate the quality of CGI elements and their integration with live-action footage

    • Consider the effectiveness of transitions, effects, and color grading

  5. Review pacing and structure:

    • Ensure the video's pacing aligns with the song's structure and energy

    • Assess the balance between different scenes and visual elements

  6. Prepare feedback:

    • Identify strengths and areas for improvement in each draft

    • Suggest specific modifications or enhancements to better align the video with the song's vision

    • Consider proposing alternative interpretations or additional elements if applicable

  7. Collaborate with the band:

    • Share your analysis and feedback with other band members

    • Gather their input and incorporate it into your final feedback

Expected Outcome

A comprehensive review of the video drafts with constructive feedback that will guide further refinement of the music video.

Guidelines for Verification

  • Ensure feedback is specific, actionable, and aligned with the song's themes and band's vision

  • Verify that the feedback addresses both artistic and technical aspects of the video

  • Confirm that the review process and feedback are documented for future reference

Last updated