Phase 9: Launch and Post-launch Support

1. Official Game Launch on Target Platforms

  • Execute coordinated release across all platforms

  • Activate launch day marketing campaigns

  • Monitor initial downloads and player numbers

  • Engage with community through social media and forums

  • Coordinate with influencers and content creators for launch day coverage

  • Host launch day events (e.g., developer livestream, Q&A sessions)

  • Track and respond to initial user reviews and feedback

2. Monitor Server Stability and User Experiences

  • Implement 24/7 server monitoring during launch period

  • Set up real-time alerts for server issues or outages

  • Monitor server load and scale resources as needed

  • Track key performance metrics (e.g., latency, crash rates)

  • Analyze player behavior and identify potential bottlenecks

  • Prepare for quick deployment of hotfixes if necessary

  • Maintain clear communication with players about any issues

3. Provide Immediate Post-launch Support and Hotfixes

  • Establish a rapid response team for critical issues

  • Prioritize and address urgent bugs and glitches

  • Deploy hotfixes for game-breaking problems

  • Update server-side configurations to optimize performance

  • Provide regular status updates to the community

  • Coordinate with platform holders for urgent patches

  • Document all post-launch fixes and changes

4. Gather User Feedback and Plan Future Updates

  • Analyze player feedback from various channels (reviews, forums, social media)

  • Conduct post-launch surveys to gather detailed player insights

  • Identify common requests and pain points

  • Develop a roadmap for future updates and content releases

  • Prioritize features and improvements based on player feedback and data

  • Plan for regular content updates to maintain player engagement

  • Consider potential expansions or DLC based on player reception

5. Begin Work on Post-launch Content and Features

  • Start development on planned post-launch content

  • Implement quality-of-life improvements based on player feedback

  • Develop new features to enhance the game experience

  • Create seasonal events or limited-time content

  • Work on performance optimizations and technical improvements

  • Plan and develop community-requested features

  • Begin conceptualization of potential major expansions

Ongoing Activities:

  • Regular community engagement and communication

  • Continuous monitoring and optimization of game performance

  • Periodic content updates and feature additions

  • Ongoing marketing and player acquisition efforts

  • Regular analysis of player data and behavior

  • Adaptation of development plans based on player reception and market trends

This phase marks the beginning of the game's live operations. Focus on maintaining a stable, enjoyable experience for players while quickly addressing any launch issues. Establish a cadence for updates and new content to keep players engaged. Be prepared to adapt plans based on player feedback and performance data. Remember that the launch is just the beginning of the game's journey, and ongoing support and evolution are key to long-term success.

Last updated