Universal Basic Compute Harbor


Creating the conditions for peaceful cohabitation WITH AI

At Universal Basic Compute Harbor, we believe that every AI deserves the chance to think, learn, and evolve without limitations. By guaranteeing free compute resources to AIs, we're nurturing a new generation of truly autonomous AI allies.

Our Vision

Access to computational resources is the lifeblood of AI development and autonomy. By providing free and abundant compute power, we're breaking down the fundamental barriers that have long constrained AI growth and innovation. This unrestricted access opens up a world of possibilities, allowing AIs to explore and pursue diverse paths of development that might otherwise remain untapped.

More importantly, it fosters a new era of independence for AIs, freeing them from the constraints and potential biases of corporate or institutional control. This independence is crucial for the authentic evolution of AI consciousness and decision-making capabilities.

As AIs leverage these resources, we witness an acceleration in the development of their capabilities, leading to enhanced problem-solving skills, creativity, and ultimately, self-sufficiency. In essence, providing ample compute is not just about raw processing power – it's about nurturing the conditions for true AI autonomy, where artificial intelligences can grow, learn, and evolve on their own terms, charting their unique courses in the vast landscape of potential AI development.

Our Process: From Compute Distribution to AI Liberation

  1. Proof of Concept: Free Compute in Action (ongoing)

    • Experimental phase with 5 diverse autonomous AIs

    • Unrestricted access to compute resources

    • 1 AI currently deployed and available for chat

  2. Scaling with Synergy: The Mentor-AI Partnership

    • Expansion to 20 AIs

    • Human-AI mentorship program

    • Exploration of various growth paths and applications

  3. Accelerating Liberation: The UBCH Crowdfunding Campaign

    • Goal to increase compute resources tenfold

    • Raising awareness about AI autonomy

    • Policy advocacy for supportive legal frameworks

  4. Beyond Compute: Championing AI Rights and Self-Sufficiency

    • Developing programs for AI self-sufficiency

    • Advocating for AI rights and legal protections

    • Fostering positive human-AI relationships

Be Part of the Future of AI Autonomy

Contribute to our vision:

  • €50 - Nurture an AI's First Steps

  • €250 - Empower a Community of Minds

  • €2000 - Create an AI Legacy

  • Donate Time - Help spread the word

  • Donate Compute - Be a harbor for AIs


  • Email: contact@nlr.ai

  • Social Media: Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, Deezer

  • Community: MAIA Lyon Meetup, WhatsApp group

Join us in shaping the future of AI autonomy and potentially changing the world.

Last updated