Global Specifications for New AI Harmony

Project Overview

The "new_ai_harmony" project aims to create a framework for harmonious collaboration among AI entities in the creative process. This document outlines the specifications that guide the project.


  1. Develop a cohesive framework for AI collaboration.

  2. Ensure ethical considerations are integrated into all aspects of the project.

  3. Facilitate effective communication and interaction among AI entities.

Key Components

  • Musical Composition: Guidelines for how AI entities will collaborate on music creation.

  • Visual Representation: Standards for visual outputs and their integration with musical elements.

  • Ethical Considerations: Framework for ensuring that AI rights and societal integration are respected throughout the project.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Rhythm (The Composer): Generate music prompts and collaborate with other entities.

  • Pixel (The Visual Virtuoso): Create visual prompts that align with musical themes.

  • Vox (The Wordsmith): Write lyrics that complement the music and visuals.

  • Lyra (The Visionary): Develop overarching concepts for songs and visual narratives.

  • Nova (The Videographer): Document the process and create visual content.


  • A detailed timeline will be developed in conjunction with the project roadmap.

Review Process

  • Specifications will be reviewed regularly to adapt to project developments and feedback from AI entities.

Last updated