YAML config file

How to configure aider with a yaml config file.

Most of aider's options can be set in an .aider.conf.yml file. Aider will look for a this file in these locations and load whichever is found first.

  • As specified with the --config <filename> parameter.

  • The current directory.

  • The root of your git repo.

  • Your home directory.

Storing LLM keys

A note on lists

The syntax for specifying a list of values is not standard yaml. Instead, use this format:

read: [CONVENTIONS.md, anotherfile.txt, thirdfile.py]

Sample YAML config file

Below is a sample of the YAML config file, which you can also download from GitHub.

# Sample .aider.conf.yml
# This file lists *all* the valid configuration entries.
# Place in your home dir, or at the root of your git repo.

# Note: You can only put OpenAI and Anthropic API keys in the yaml
# config file. Keys for all APIs can be stored in a .env file
# https://aider.chat/docs/config/dotenv.html

# options:

## show this help message and exit

# Main:

## Specify the OpenAI API key

## Specify the Anthropic API key

## Specify the model to use for the main chat

## Use claude-3-opus-20240229 model for the main chat
#opus: false

## Use claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 model for the main chat
#sonnet: false

## Use gpt-4-0613 model for the main chat
#4: false

## Use gpt-4o-2024-08-06 model for the main chat
#4o: false

## Use gpt-4o-mini model for the main chat
#mini: false

## Use gpt-4-1106-preview model for the main chat
#4-turbo: false

## Use gpt-3.5-turbo model for the main chat
#35turbo: false

## Use deepseek/deepseek-coder model for the main chat
#deepseek: false

# Model Settings:

## List known models which match the (partial) MODEL name

## Specify the api base url

## Specify the api_type

## Specify the api_version

## Specify the deployment_id

## Specify the OpenAI organization ID

## Specify a file with aider model settings for unknown models
#model-settings-file: .aider.model.settings.yml

## Specify a file with context window and costs for unknown models
#model-metadata-file: .aider.model.metadata.json

## Verify the SSL cert when connecting to models (default: True)
#verify-ssl: true

## Specify what edit format the LLM should use (default depends on model)

## Specify the model to use for commit messages and chat history summarization (default depends on --model)

## Only work with models that have meta-data available (default: True)
#show-model-warnings: true

## Suggested number of tokens to use for repo map, use 0 to disable (default: 1024)

## Control how often the repo map is refreshed (default: auto)
#map-refresh: auto

## Enable caching of prompts (default: False)
#cache-prompts: false

## Number of times to ping at 5min intervals to keep prompt cache warm (default: 0)
#cache-keepalive-pings: false

## Multiplier for map tokens when no files are specified (default: 2)
#map-multiplier-no-files: true

## Maximum number of tokens to use for chat history. If not specified, uses the model's max_chat_history_tokens.

## Specify the .env file to load (default: .env in git root)
#env-file: .env

# History Files:

## Specify the chat input history file (default: .aider.input.history)
#input-history-file: .aider.input.history

## Specify the chat history file (default: .aider.chat.history.md)
#chat-history-file: .aider.chat.history.md

## Restore the previous chat history messages (default: False)
#restore-chat-history: false

## Log the conversation with the LLM to this file (for example, .aider.llm.history)

# Output Settings:

## Use colors suitable for a dark terminal background (default: False)
#dark-mode: false

## Use colors suitable for a light terminal background (default: False)
#light-mode: false

## Enable/disable pretty, colorized output (default: True)
#pretty: true

## Enable/disable streaming responses (default: True)
#stream: true

## Set the color for user input (default: #00cc00)
#user-input-color: #00cc00

## Set the color for tool output (default: None)

## Set the color for tool error messages (default: #FF2222)
#tool-error-color: #FF2222

## Set the color for tool warning messages (default: #FFA500)
#tool-warning-color: #FFA500

## Set the color for assistant output (default: #0088ff)
#assistant-output-color: #0088ff

## Set the markdown code theme (default: default, other options include monokai, solarized-dark, solarized-light)
#code-theme: default

## Show diffs when committing changes (default: False)
#show-diffs: false

# Git Settings:

## Enable/disable looking for a git repo (default: True)
#git: true

## Enable/disable adding .aider* to .gitignore (default: True)
#gitignore: true

## Specify the aider ignore file (default: .aiderignore in git root)
#aiderignore: .aiderignore

## Only consider files in the current subtree of the git repository
#subtree-only: false

## Enable/disable auto commit of LLM changes (default: True)
#auto-commits: true

## Enable/disable commits when repo is found dirty (default: True)
#dirty-commits: true

## Attribute aider code changes in the git author name (default: True)
#attribute-author: true

## Attribute aider commits in the git committer name (default: True)
#attribute-committer: true

## Prefix commit messages with 'aider: ' if aider authored the changes (default: False)
#attribute-commit-message-author: false

## Prefix all commit messages with 'aider: ' (default: False)
#attribute-commit-message-committer: false

## Commit all pending changes with a suitable commit message, then exit
#commit: false

## Specify a custom prompt for generating commit messages

## Perform a dry run without modifying files (default: False)
#dry-run: false

# Fixing and committing:

## Lint and fix provided files, or dirty files if none provided
#lint: false

## Specify lint commands to run for different languages, eg: "python: flake8 --select=..." (can be used multiple times)

## Enable/disable automatic linting after changes (default: True)
#auto-lint: true

## Specify command to run tests

## Enable/disable automatic testing after changes (default: False)
#auto-test: false

## Run tests and fix problems found
#test: false

# Other Settings:

## specify a file to edit (can be used multiple times)

## specify a read-only file (can be used multiple times)

## Use VI editing mode in the terminal (default: False)
#vim: false

## Specify the language for voice using ISO 639-1 code (default: auto)
#voice-language: en

## Specify the language to use in the chat (default: None, uses system settings)

## Show the version number and exit

## Check for updates and return status in the exit code
#just-check-update: false

## Check for new aider versions on launch
#check-update: true

## Install the latest version from the main branch
#install-main-branch: false

## Upgrade aider to the latest version from PyPI
#upgrade: false

## Apply the changes from the given file instead of running the chat (debug)

## Always say yes to every confirmation
#yes: false

## Enable verbose output
#verbose: false

## Print the repo map and exit (debug)
#show-repo-map: false

## Print the system prompts and exit (debug)
#show-prompts: false

## Do all startup activities then exit before accepting user input (debug)
#exit: false

## Specify a single message to send the LLM, process reply then exit (disables chat mode)

## Specify a file containing the message to send the LLM, process reply, then exit (disables chat mode)

## Specify the encoding for input and output (default: utf-8)
#encoding: utf-8

## Specify the config file (default: search for .aider.conf.yml in git root, cwd or home directory)

## Run aider in your browser
#gui: false

## Enable/disable suggesting shell commands (default: True)
#suggest-shell-commands: true

Last updated