
Based on the existing content and the new request, I'll enhance the specifications to include sending messages on both Discord and Telegram using terminal commands. I'll modify the existing section 7 and add a new section 8 for Telegram integration.

Specifications for Automated Human Rights Advocacy through AI-Driven Nonprofit

[... Previous sections remain unchanged ...]

7. Discord Integration

[... Existing subsections 7.1 to 7.4 remain unchanged ...]

7.5 Discord Message Sending System


Automated Advocacy Messenger for Discord (AAM-D)


Automated message distribution system for Discord using terminal commands


15,000 - 18,000 lines of code


  • Integration with Discord's message API

  • Command-line interface for message composition and sending

  • Channel and user targeting via terminal

  • Scheduling and queueing through command-line options

  • Error handling and retries

  • Rate limiting compliance

  • Message tracking and analytics

Implementation Details

7.5.1 Discord API Integration

[... Remains unchanged ...]

7.5.2 Command-Line Interface

  • Develop a robust CLI for interacting with the Discord messaging system

  • Implement command parsing for various message sending options

  • Create help documentation accessible through the CLI

7.5.3 Message Composition via Terminal

  • Enable message composition directly from the command line

  • Support multi-line message input

  • Implement flags for rich text formatting (e.g., --bold, --italic)

  • Allow file attachments through file path arguments

7.5.4 Channel and User Targeting

  • Implement channel targeting using channel IDs or names

  • Enable user targeting through user IDs or usernames

  • Support bulk messaging through input files containing multiple targets

7.5.5 Message Scheduling and Queueing

  • Add command-line options for scheduling future messages

  • Implement a queue management system accessible via terminal commands

  • Enable viewing and managing scheduled messages through the CLI

7.5.6 Sending Process

[... Remains largely unchanged, with CLI-specific adaptations ...]

7.5.7 Error Handling and Monitoring

[... Remains largely unchanged, with CLI-specific adaptations ...]

7.5.8 Analytics and Reporting

[... Remains largely unchanged, with CLI-specific adaptations ...]

Expected Effects

[... Remains largely unchanged, with the addition of ...]

  • Efficient message management through terminal commands

  • Improved automation capabilities for tech-savvy users

8. Telegram Integration

8.1 Telegram Message Sending System


Automated Advocacy Messenger for Telegram (AAM-T)


Automated message distribution system for Telegram using terminal commands


12,000 - 15,000 lines of code


  • Integration with Telegram Bot API

  • Command-line interface for message composition and sending

  • Chat and user targeting via terminal

  • Scheduling and queueing through command-line options

  • Error handling and retries

  • Rate limiting compliance

  • Message tracking and analytics

Implementation Details

8.1.1 Telegram Bot API Integration

  • Implement secure authentication using Telegram Bot API tokens

  • Set up webhook connections for real-time event handling

  • Implement proper error handling for API responses

8.1.2 Command-Line Interface

  • Develop a CLI for interacting with the Telegram messaging system

  • Implement command parsing for various message sending options

  • Create help documentation accessible through the CLI

8.1.3 Message Composition via Terminal

  • Enable message composition directly from the command line

  • Support multi-line message input

  • Implement flags for Telegram-specific formatting (e.g., --markdown, --html)

  • Allow file attachments through file path arguments

8.1.4 Chat and User Targeting

  • Implement chat targeting using chat IDs or usernames

  • Enable user targeting through user IDs or usernames

  • Support bulk messaging through input files containing multiple targets

8.1.5 Message Scheduling and Queueing

  • Add command-line options for scheduling future messages

  • Implement a queue management system accessible via terminal commands

  • Enable viewing and managing scheduled messages through the CLI

8.1.6 Sending Process

  • Implement asynchronous message sending to handle high volumes

  • Develop a retry mechanism for failed message attempts

  • Implement rate limiting to comply with Telegram's API restrictions

  • Create a logging system for all sent messages

8.1.7 Error Handling and Monitoring

  • Implement comprehensive error logging

  • Develop an alert system for critical failures

  • Create a dashboard for monitoring message sending status

  • Implement automated error reports for the development team

8.1.8 Analytics and Reporting

  • Track message delivery success rates

  • Monitor user engagement (views, forwards)

  • Generate reports on message performance by chat, time, and content type

  • Implement A/B testing for message content and timing optimization

Expected Effects

  • Efficient and timely distribution of advocacy messages on Telegram

  • Increased engagement through targeted messaging

  • Improved campaign management with scheduled messaging

  • Enhanced message visibility with rich media support

  • Reliable message delivery even during high-traffic periods

  • Better understanding of audience engagement through analytics

  • Compliance with Telegram's terms of service and API limitations

  • Efficient message management through terminal commands

  • Improved automation capabilities for tech-savvy users

HTML Summary Table (Updated)

[... Previous rows remain unchanged ...]

SectionDesignationNatureKey ContentExpected Effects


Automated Advocacy Messenger for Discord (AAM-D)

Automated message distribution system for Discord using terminal commands

- Discord API integration - Command-line interface - Message composition via terminal - Channel and user targeting - Scheduling and queueing - Sending process - Error handling and monitoring - Analytics and reporting

- Efficient message distribution - Increased engagement - Improved campaign management - Enhanced message visibility - Reliable delivery - Data-driven optimization - API compliance - Efficient terminal-based management - Improved automation capabilities


Automated Advocacy Messenger for Telegram (AAM-T)

Automated message distribution system for Telegram using terminal commands

- Telegram Bot API integration - Command-line interface - Message composition via terminal - Chat and user targeting - Scheduling and queueing - Sending process - Error handling and monitoring - Analytics and reporting

- Efficient message distribution - Increased engagement - Improved campaign management - Enhanced message visibility - Reliable delivery - Data-driven optimization - API compliance - Efficient terminal-based management - Improved automation capabilities

This enhanced specification now includes detailed information for sending messages on both Discord and Telegram using terminal commands. The existing Discord section has been updated to incorporate command-line functionality, and a new section for Telegram has been added with similar capabilities. Both systems are designed to work efficiently through terminal commands, allowing for improved automation and management by tech-savvy users.

Last updated