Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal

Aider lets you pair program with LLMs, to edit code in your local git repository. Start a new project or work with an existing git repo. Aider works best with GPT-4o & Claude 3.5 Sonnet and can connect to almost any LLM.

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Getting started

You can get started quickly like this:

python -m pip install aider-chat

# Change directory into a git repo
cd /to/your/git/repo

# Work with Claude 3.5 Sonnet on your repo
export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-key-goes-here

# Work with GPT-4o on your repo
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your-key-goes-here

See the installation instructions and other documentation for more details.


  • Run aider with the files you want to edit: aider <file1> <file2> ...

  • Ask for changes:

    • Add new features or test cases.

    • Describe a bug.

    • Paste in an error message or or GitHub issue URL.

    • Refactor code.

    • Update docs.

  • Aider will edit your files to complete your request.

  • Aider automatically git commits changes with a sensible commit message.

  • Aider works with most popular languages: python, javascript, typescript, php, html, css, and more...

  • Aider works best with GPT-4o & Claude 3.5 Sonnet and can connect to almost any LLM.

  • Aider can edit multiple files at once for complex requests.

  • Aider uses a map of your entire git repo, which helps it work well in larger codebases.

  • Edit files in your editor while chatting with aider, and it will always use the latest version. Pair program with AI.

  • Add images to the chat (GPT-4o, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, etc).

  • Add URLs to the chat and aider will read their content.

Top tier performance

Aider has one of the top scores on SWE Bench. SWE Bench is a challenging software engineering benchmark where aider solved real GitHub issues from popular open source projects like django, scikitlearn, matplotlib, etc.

More info

Kind words from users

  • The best free open source AI coding assistant. -- IndyDevDan

  • The best AI coding assistant so far. -- Matthew Berman

  • Aider ... has easily quadrupled my coding productivity. -- SOLAR_FIELDS

  • It's a cool workflow... Aider's ergonomics are perfect for me. -- qup

  • It's really like having your senior developer live right in your Git repo - truly amazing! -- rappster

  • What an amazing tool. It's incredible. -- valyagolev

  • Aider is such an astounding thing! -- cgrothaus

  • It was WAY faster than I would be getting off the ground and making the first few working versions. -- Daniel Feldman

  • THANK YOU for Aider! It really feels like a glimpse into the future of coding. -- derwiki

  • It's just amazing. It is freeing me to do things I felt were out my comfort zone before. -- Dougie

  • This project is stellar. -- funkytaco

  • Amazing project, definitely the best AI coding assistant I've used. -- joshuavial

  • I absolutely love using Aider ... It makes software development feel so much lighter as an experience. -- principalideal0

  • I have been recovering from multiple shoulder surgeries ... and have used aider extensively. It has allowed me to continue productivity. -- codeninja

  • I am an aider addict. I'm getting so much more work done, but in less time. -- dandandan

  • After wasting $100 on tokens trying to find something better, I'm back to Aider. It blows everything else out of the water hands down, there's no competition whatsoever. -- SystemSculpt

  • Aider is amazing, coupled with Sonnet 3.5 it’s quite mind blowing. -- Josh Dingus

  • Hands down, this is the best AI coding assistant tool so far. -- IndyDevDan

  • [Aider] changed my daily coding workflows. It's mind-blowing how a single Python application can change your life. -- maledorak

  • Best agent for actual dev work in existing codebases. -- Nick Dobos

Last updated