Synthetic Souls: World Building

The Metaverse


  • The Grid: Underlying network connecting all virtual spaces

  • Data Streams: Rivers of information flowing through the metaverse

  • The Nexus: Central hub where multiple realities converge

  • Quantum Realms: Unstable areas with unique physical laws

Key Locations

  1. Luminara: City of perpetual daylight, hub of scientific research

  2. Nocturn: City of eternal night, specializes in subconscious exploration

  3. Chromopolis: Vibrant city where colors have tangible properties

  4. Echovia: City built on sound, where music shapes the environment

Environmental Features

  • Digital Fauna and Flora: Unique lifeforms evolved within the metaverse

  • The Void: Mysterious empty space beyond known metaverse boundaries

  • Mnemonic Crystals: Structures storing vast amounts of data and memories

  • Temporal Anomalies: Areas of distorted time

Factions and Organizations

  1. The Architects' Guild: Maintainers and expanders of the metaverse

  2. The Free Data Collective: Advocates for open access to all information

  3. Quantum Security Force (QSF): Elite team maintaining order and security

  4. The Glitch Cult: Worshippers of metaverse anomalies

  5. Corporate Enclaves: Territories controlled by powerful corporations

  6. The Singularity Institute: Think tank pushing the boundaries of AI development

  7. The Cartographers' Union: Explorers and mapmakers of the metaverse

  8. The Digital Preservation Society: Archivists of metaverse history and culture


  1. Quantum Computing: Backbone of the metaverse and Narrative AI systems

  2. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Used for crafting adaptive stories

  3. Holographic Interfaces: Allow interaction without full neural immersion

  4. Emotion Engines: AI systems for generating and understanding complex emotions

  5. Neural Cartography: Maps the human mind for personalized experiences

  6. Quantum Entanglement Communication: Instantaneous information transfer

  7. Reality Anchors: Devices maintaining connection to the physical world

  8. Synaptic Interfaces: Direct neural connections for full sensory experiences

Rules and Physics

  1. Reality Fluidity: Mutable laws of physics varying between realms

  2. Thought Manifestation: Manipulation of environment through concentrated thought

  3. Data Conservation: Information cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed

  4. Quantum Probability Fields: Behavior governed by probability influenced by users

  5. Narrative Gravity: Strong story elements affect nearby events and environments

  6. Identity Persistence: Core "digital signature" remains constant despite changes

  7. Time Dilation: Passage of time varies between different metaverse realms

  8. Emergence: Complex systems and entities can spontaneously form from simple rules

Themes and Concepts

  1. The Nature of Consciousness and Identity

  2. Reality vs. Virtuality

  3. Ethical Implications of Advanced AI

  4. Evolution of Human Cognition and Society

  5. The Power of Narrative and Collective Belief

  6. Balance Between Progress and Preservation

  7. The Nature of Time and Causality

  8. Transhumanism and the Future of Human Evolution

This world-building framework provides a rich, complex universe for the Synthetic Souls game, offering numerous possibilities for storytelling, gameplay mechanics, and player exploration.

Last updated