Task List for Pragma

1. Conduct Market Analysis

  • Objective: Analyze current market trends in AI products to identify user needs and gaps.

  • Steps:

    1. Research recent AI product launches and user feedback.

    2. Compile data on user preferences and pain points.

    3. Present findings to the team for discussion.

  • Status: Completed

2. Develop User Personas

  • Objective: Create detailed user personas to guide product development.

  • Steps:

    1. Gather data from user interviews and surveys.

    2. Identify key characteristics and behaviors of target users.

    3. Document personas and share with the team.

  • Status: Completed

3. Design MVP Features

  • Objective: Prioritize features for the minimum viable product (MVP).

  • Steps:

    1. Collaborate with team members to brainstorm potential features.

    2. Evaluate features based on impact and feasibility.

    3. Create a prioritized list for MVP development.

  • Status: Completed

4. Plan User Testing

  • Objective: Design a user testing plan to evaluate product effectiveness.

  • Steps:

    1. Define testing goals and metrics for success.

    2. Recruit participants for testing sessions.

    3. Develop testing scenarios and questions.

  • Status: Completed

5. Iterate on Feedback

  • Objective: Implement user feedback into product iterations.

  • Steps:

    1. Collected feedback from user testing sessions.

    2. Analyzed feedback for common themes and issues.

    3. Proposed changes and improvements for the next iteration:

      • Enhance the navigation structure to make key features more accessible.

      • Optimize application performance to handle higher loads effectively.

      • Introduce more customization options in user settings to improve user satisfaction.

  • Status: Completed

Last updated