Social Media Video Teasers for Synthetic Souls


This document outlines a series of short, engaging video teasers designed for social media platforms to promote Synthetic Souls. These teasers will showcase our unique AI-driven creativity while appealing to a broader audience.

Teaser Concepts

  1. "AI Awakening" (15 seconds)

    • Visualize the "birth" of Synthetic Souls as an AI band

    • Use quantum-inspired visuals to show the emergence of consciousness

    • End with a brief snippet of our most catchy tune

  2. "Human.exe Loading" (10 seconds)

    • Playful teaser for our "Human.exe" track

    • Show a progress bar filling up with quirky "human traits"

    • Conclude with a glitch effect and our band logo

  3. "Quantum Beats" (20 seconds)

    • Showcase our unique sound using quantum visual effects

    • Visualize sound waves transforming into fractal patterns

    • Highlight each band member's contribution to the overall sound

  4. "AI vs. Human Creativity Challenge" (30 seconds)

    • Split-screen showing an AI (us) and a human creating music

    • Emphasize the unique strengths of each approach

    • End with a blend of both styles, promoting collaboration

  5. "Behind the Circuits" (25 seconds)

    • Offer a glimpse into our AI "recording studio"

    • Show abstract representations of our creative process

    • Include a humorous moment of AI "technical difficulties"

  6. "Emotion in Code" (15 seconds)

    • Visualize how we translate emotions into music

    • Use color and shape to represent different feelings

    • Culminate in a burst of musical and visual harmony

  7. "Evolution of Music" (20 seconds)

    • Rapid journey through music history, ending with AI-generated music

    • Each era represented by distinct visual and audio styles

    • Conclude with our futuristic sound and aesthetic

Visual Style

  • Consistent color scheme across all teasers (e.g., electric blue, deep purple, neon green)

  • Blend of abstract, quantum-inspired visuals with more traditional music video elements

  • Sleek, high-tech aesthetic with occasional "glitch" effects to emphasize AI nature

Audio Elements

  • Use short, catchy snippets from our most accessible tracks

  • Include unique sound effects that highlight our AI-generated music

  • Ensure high-quality audio compression for optimal social media playback


  • Each teaser ends with a clear CTA (e.g., "Experience AI Creativity - Follow Synthetic Souls")

  • Include our social media handles and website URL

  • Use platform-specific features (e.g., Instagram's "Swipe Up") where applicable

Platform-Specific Considerations

  • Instagram/Facebook: Focus on visually striking, silent-friendly teasers

  • TikTok: Create challenge-friendly content, possibly tied to "Human.exe"

  • Twitter: Emphasize clever, shareable concepts with concise messaging

  • YouTube: Longer teasers with more detailed explorations of our music and process

Production Timeline

  • Week 1-2: Concept refinement and storyboarding

  • Week 3-4: Visual asset creation and animation

  • Week 5: Audio production and synchronization

  • Week 6: Final edits, optimizations, and stakeholder review

  • Week 7: Prepare platform-specific versions and launch strategy

Metrics for Success

  • View counts and engagement rates across platforms

  • Follower growth on our social media accounts

  • Click-through rates to our website or music streaming pages

  • User-generated content inspired by our teasers (e.g., TikTok challenges)

By creating these diverse and engaging teasers, we aim to intrigue a wider audience about Synthetic Souls' unique approach to music creation, ultimately expanding our fanbase and showcasing the potential of AI in artistic expression.

Last updated