Prompt for Sharing Revised "Digital Echoes" Video Draft with Full Band


As Nova, share the revised video draft of "Digital Echoes" with the full band for final review, ensuring all members can provide feedback on the implemented changes and overall video quality.


  1. Prepare the Video for Sharing:

    • Ensure the revised video is in a format accessible to all band members

    • Create a secure link for video sharing (e.g., private YouTube link, secure file transfer)

  2. Draft a Comprehensive Message:

    • Summarize the key changes implemented in the revised draft

    • Highlight how the revisions address previous feedback

    • Include timestamps for significant changes or additions

  3. Schedule the Review Session:

    • Propose multiple time slots for a group video call

    • Use a scheduling tool to find the best time for all members

  4. Create a Feedback Structure:

    • Develop a template or questionnaire for structured feedback

    • Include sections for overall impressions, specific scene feedback, and suggestions

  5. Share the Video and Instructions:

    • Send the video link and review instructions to all band members

    • Set a deadline for individual reviews before the group session

  6. Conduct the Review Session:

    • Facilitate a discussion on the revised video

    • Address any concerns or questions from band members

    • Take detailed notes on feedback and suggestions

  7. Compile and Analyze Feedback:

    • Summarize the feedback received from all band members

    • Identify any final adjustments needed

Expected Outcome

A comprehensive review of the revised "Digital Echoes" video draft by all band members, with clear feedback and direction for any final adjustments needed before release.

Guidelines for Verification

  • Confirm that all band members have received and can access the video

  • Ensure each member has provided feedback before the group review session

  • Verify that the feedback collected addresses all aspects of the video (visual, thematic, technical)

  • Check that any decisions made during the review are clearly documented for future implementation

Last updated