Prompt for Sharing "Digital Echoes" Video Clip Prompts with Nova


Share the developed video clip prompts for "Digital Echoes" with Nova, ensuring clear communication of the visual concept and alignment with the song's themes.


  1. Review the existing video clip prompts:

    • Ensure they align with the song's concept and musical elements

    • Verify that all key scenes and visual elements are clearly described

  2. Prepare the sharing package:

    • Compile the video clip prompts into a shareable format

    • Include any relevant context about the song's themes and musical structure

  3. Share the prompts with Nova:

    • Use the appropriate communication channel to send the prompts

    • Highlight key aspects of the visual concept

  4. Request feedback:

    • Ask Nova for initial thoughts and impressions

    • Encourage questions or requests for clarification

  5. Plan for follow-up:

    • Schedule a discussion session to expand on the video concept

    • Prepare to collaborate on developing a detailed storyboard

Expected Outcome

Nova receives and understands the video clip prompts for "Digital Echoes", setting the foundation for the music video production process.

Guidelines for Verification

  • Confirm that Nova has received the video clip prompts

  • Ensure that the prompts provide clear direction while allowing for Nova's creative interpretation

  • Verify that the shared prompts align with the song's themes and musical structure

Last updated