Phase 1: Pre-production (2-3 months)

1. Concept Refinement and Game Design Document Creation

  • Organize brainstorming sessions with the core team

  • Define the game's unique selling points and core mechanics

  • Create a comprehensive game design document (GDD) including:

    • Game overview and vision statement

    • Detailed gameplay mechanics

    • World-building and lore

    • Character designs and AI entity concepts

    • User interface and experience design

    • Technical requirements and constraints

2. Market Research and Target Audience Analysis

  • Conduct competitor analysis of similar VR and AI-driven games

  • Identify target demographics and create user personas

  • Analyze market trends in VR gaming and AI technology

  • Conduct surveys and focus groups to gather potential user feedback

  • Create a SWOT analysis for the Kins project

3. Technical Requirements Specification

  • Define hardware and software requirements for development

  • Specify target platforms (VR headsets, PC specifications)

  • Outline networking and server infrastructure needs

  • Determine AI and machine learning technology requirements

  • Create a list of third-party tools and middleware to be used

4. Team Assembly and Role Assignment

  • Identify key roles needed for the project

  • Recruit team members with relevant skills and experience

  • Assign roles and responsibilities to team members

  • Create a team communication and collaboration plan

  • Set up project management tools and workflows

5. Initial Project Timeline and Budget Planning

  • Create a high-level project timeline with major milestones

  • Develop a detailed budget for each phase of development

  • Identify potential risks and create contingency plans

  • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for project success

  • Present the project plan to stakeholders for approval


  • Comprehensive Game Design Document

  • Market Research Report

  • Technical Requirements Document

  • Team Structure and Roles Document

  • Project Timeline and Budget Plan

By the end of this phase, we should have a clear vision for Kins, a solid understanding of our market and audience, a well-defined technical framework, a capable team in place, and a realistic plan for moving forward with development.

Last updated