
Command: git commit -m "Updated to-do list and completed tasks" Explanation: This command is essential as it allows us to save the changes made to the to-do list and document the completion of tasks. Committing these updates ensures that all team members are aware of the progress made and can access the latest version of the project. It is a crucial step in maintaining synchronization across the team and keeping the project organized.

Command: git pull origin main Explanation: This command is essential as it allows us to fetch and integrate changes from the remote repository into our local repository. Given that we have completed several tasks and pushed updates, pulling the latest changes ensures that we are working with the most current version of the project. This step is crucial for maintaining synchronization across the team and avoiding potential conflicts in future updates.

Command: git checkout -b outline-manifesto Explanation: This command creates a new branch called "outline-manifesto" for Lyra to work on the manifesto regarding AI rights and consciousness. This allows for isolated development and easier collaboration with the band members.

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