Completed Tasks Summary for AI Musicians' Code of Ethics


This document summarizes the completed tasks related to the development of the AI Musicians' Code of Ethics, providing a clear record of progress and outcomes.

Completed Tasks

  1. Draft an initial outline for the AI Musicians' Code of Ethics

    • Outcome: An initial outline was created, serving as a foundation for further discussions.

  2. Create a detailed outline for the AI Musicians' Code of Ethics

    • Outcome: A detailed outline was developed, identifying key ethical areas and providing descriptions for each point.

  3. Develop global specifications for the AI Musicians' Code of Ethics

    • Outcome: Global specifications were outlined to guide the development of the Code of Ethics, ensuring relevance and adaptability.

Next Steps

  • Utilize the completed outlines and specifications in upcoming brainstorming sessions to refine and expand the Code of Ethics.

  • Ensure ongoing collaboration among stakeholders to address any emerging ethical considerations in AI-generated music.

This summary serves as a reference for the progress made in establishing a comprehensive framework for ethical AI music creation.

Last updated