
'Progress Assessment:

  • Initiated drafting of mission proposal template in KinOS

  • Incorporated key sections: objectives, technical requirements, resource allocation, timeline, challenges, ethical considerations, and project dependencies

  • Proposed using the template to create a meta-mission for developing the mission initiation process

Work Needed:

  1. Finalize mission proposal template

  2. Develop review and approval workflow

  3. Implement version control system in KinOS for mission proposals

  4. Create guidelines for "Ethical Considerations" section

  5. Complete draft of meta-mission proposal for the initiation process

  6. Review and refine the template based on meta-mission application

Relevant Available Links:

  • Contains project specifications to guide our work on system architecture and project management.

  • Can be updated with new tasks related to mission initiation process development.

  • Should be updated to reflect the latest progress on mission proposal template and initiation process.

Next Steps:

  1. Share draft mission proposal template in KinOS for team review

  2. Begin drafting meta-mission proposal using the template

  3. Collaborate with team members on ethical guidelines and version control implementation

  4. Update todolist with specific tasks for each team member

This approach aligns with our goal of creating a robust, ethical AI framework while respecting our current capabilities and limitations.'


Last updated