In-chat commands

Control aider with in-chat commands like /add, /model, etc.

Aider supports commands from within the chat, which all start with /.

{: .tip } You can easily re-send commands or messages. Use the up arrow ⬆ to scroll back or CONTROL-R to search your message history.

Entering multi-line chat messages

Interrupting with CONTROL-C

It's always safe to use Control-C to interrupt aider if it isn't providing a useful response. The partial response remains in the conversation, so you can refer to it when you reply to the LLM with more information or direction.


The interactive prompt is built with prompt-toolkit which provides emacs and vi keybindings.


  • Ctrl-A : Move cursor to the start of the line.

  • Ctrl-B : Move cursor back one character.

  • Ctrl-D : Delete the character under the cursor.

  • Ctrl-E : Move cursor to the end of the line.

  • Ctrl-F : Move cursor forward one character.

  • Ctrl-K : Delete from the cursor to the end of the line.

  • Ctrl-L : Clear the screen.

  • Ctrl-N : Move down to the next history entry.

  • Ctrl-P : Move up to the previous history entry.

  • Ctrl-R : Reverse search in command history.


To use vi/vim keybindings, run aider with the --vim switch.

  • Esc : Switch to command mode.

  • i : Switch to insert mode.

  • a : Move cursor one character to the right and switch to insert mode.

  • A : Move cursor to the end of the line and switch to insert mode.

  • I : Move cursor to the beginning of the line and switch to insert mode.

  • h : Move cursor one character to the left.

  • j : Move cursor down one line.

  • k : Move cursor up one line.

  • l : Move cursor one character to the right.

  • w : Move cursor forward one word.

  • b : Move cursor backward one word.

  • 0 : Move cursor to the beginning of the line.

  • $ : Move cursor to the end of the line.

  • x : Delete the character under the cursor.

  • dd : Delete the current line.

  • u : Undo the last change.

  • Ctrl-R : Redo the last undone change.

Last updated