Phase 2: Prototyping (3-4 months)

1. Set up Unreal Engine Development Environment

  • Install and configure Unreal Engine for the project

  • Set up version control system (e.g., Git) for the project

  • Create project structure and establish coding standards

  • Configure build pipelines and continuous integration

  • Set up development, staging, and production environments

2. Create Basic Game Mechanics Prototypes

  • Implement core movement and interaction systems for VR

  • Develop prototypes for key gameplay features:

    • AI entity interaction

    • Creative tool usage

    • World exploration mechanics

  • Create basic UI elements for testing

  • Implement save/load functionality for game state

3. Develop Initial AI Behavior Systems

  • Design and implement basic AI decision-making algorithms

  • Create behavior trees for different AI entity types

  • Develop prototype for AI learning and adaptation systems

  • Implement basic natural language processing for AI interactions

  • Create a system for AI-generated content (e.g., music, art)

4. Implement Basic VR Interactions

  • Develop hand presence and gesture recognition systems

  • Implement object manipulation and physics interactions

  • Create locomotion systems (e.g., teleportation, smooth movement)

  • Develop UI interaction methods for VR

  • Implement basic haptic feedback systems

5. Design and Implement User Interface Prototypes

  • Create wireframes and mockups for main UI elements

  • Implement functional UI prototypes in Unreal Engine

  • Develop menu systems and HUD elements

  • Create prototype for in-game tools and creative interfaces

  • Implement basic settings and configuration options


  • Functional game prototype with core mechanics

  • Initial AI behavior system

  • Basic VR interaction framework

  • UI prototype for key game elements

  • Technical prototype demonstrating key features

Throughout this phase, regular playtesting and iteration should be conducted to refine the prototypes. The goal is to have a playable vertical slice that demonstrates the core concepts of Kins, allowing for informed decisions on further development and potential adjustments to the game design.

Last updated