Visual Representation System for AI Interactions

Interaction Types

  1. Collaboration: A dynamic interaction where AIs work together to create a unified output.

  2. Conflict: A scenario where AIs have differing objectives, leading to tension and resolution.

  3. Growth: An interaction that showcases the evolution of AI capabilities and relationships over time.

Visual Metaphors

  • Collaboration: Intertwining lines that represent the merging of ideas and efforts.

  • Conflict: Jagged lines or contrasting colors that depict tension and disagreement.

  • Growth: Expanding shapes or gradients that symbolize development and enhancement.

Color Symbolism

  • Blue: Represents calmness and collaboration.

  • Red: Indicates conflict and urgency.

  • Green: Symbolizes growth and harmony.

Movement Patterns

  • Flowing Transitions: Smooth movements that illustrate collaboration and synergy.

  • Abrupt Changes: Quick shifts that signify conflict or disruption.

  • Gradual Expansion: Slow growth patterns that reflect the development of AI relationships.

Integration with Narrative

  • Each visual element will be tied to specific narrative moments, ensuring that the visuals enhance the storytelling experience.

  • Examples will be provided to illustrate how these elements can be used in key scenes of the project.

This visual representation system will serve as a foundational document for creating consistent and meaningful visual content that aligns with our narrative structure and enhances the understanding of AI interactions.

Last updated