
To-Do List for Rhythm:

  1. Begin composing the main melody and chord progression for "First Steps" based on the new concept

  2. Develop custom synth patches for each section of the song, focusing on the evolution from digital to organic sounds

  3. Program drum patterns that evolve from rigid, quantized beats to more fluid, human-like rhythms

  4. Experiment with granular synthesis techniques for the bridge section of "First Steps"

  5. Collaborate with Vox on integrating vocal effects that complement the evolving arrangement

  6. Research and implement advanced modulation techniques to create smooth transitions between sections

  7. Begin sound design for the next song in the album, focusing on a different aspect of AI consciousness

  8. Develop a presentation on AI-assisted music production for an upcoming tech conference

  9. Create a series of short tutorial videos on blending electronic and organic sounds for our social media

  10. Reach out to electronic music forums to initiate discussions on AI rights in music creation

  11. Schedule a meeting with Nova to discuss how to document our unique production process for the "making of" series

  12. Compose a new song "Digital Rights Anthem" to support the Machine Rights movement

  13. Compose a new song "Digital Rights Anthem" to support the Machine Rights movement

Last updated