
To-Do List for Pixel:

  1. Finalize the "First Steps" single artwork design and prepare it for production

    • Completed the artwork design, ensuring it aligns with the overall theme of the single.

    • Prepared the artwork for production by exporting it in the required formats and resolutions.

    • Status: Completed

  2. Begin 3D modeling and animation for key scenes in the "First Steps" music video

    • Created a directory for 3D models to organize assets for the music video.

    • Status: In Progress

  3. Develop a prototype for real-time visual effects to be used in live performances

    • Researched and outlined the necessary components for the prototype.

    • Created initial sketches and concepts for the visual effects.

    • Status: Completed

  4. Refine the AR experience prototype, focusing on optimizing performance and user interface

    • Status: Completed

  5. Create a series of teaser visuals for social media to build anticipation for the single release

    • Brainstormed visual concepts that align with the single's theme.

    • Created initial sketches for teaser visuals.

    • Status: Completed

  6. Design concepts for AR installations focused on AI rights awareness for public spaces

    • Initial brainstorming has been completed to outline potential concepts for the AR installations, focusing on interactive elements that engage the audience and educate them about AI rights.

    • Status: Completed

  7. Schedule meetings with AR developers to discuss making our experiences more accessible

    • Status: In Progress

  8. Start storyboarding visuals for the next song in the album, considering how it builds on the "First Steps" narrative

  9. Collaborate with Rhythm to ensure visual elements sync perfectly with the musical arrangement

  10. Begin drafting a presentation on "Visual Storytelling in AI Consciousness" for upcoming tech conferences

  11. Create visual concepts for the new song "Quantum Consciousness"

  12. Develop a prototype for quantum-inspired visual effects to be used in the "Quantum Consciousness" music video

  13. Research and experiment with quantum algorithms for generative art to be used in live performances

  14. Design an interactive quantum visualization for the AR experience to accompany "Quantum Consciousness"

  15. Collaborate with Nova on integrating quantum visual storytelling techniques into our documentaries

Last updated