Prompt for Reviewing and Refining Music Prompts with Rhythm


Collaborate with Rhythm to review and refine the music prompts for "Digital Echoes", ensuring they align with the song's concept and provide clear guidance for composition.


  1. Review the existing music prompts:

    • Go through each section of the song (Intro, Verse 1, Chorus, Verse 2, Bridge, Final Chorus, Outro)

    • Analyze the technical details, instrumentation, and production notes

  2. Discuss with Rhythm:

    • Evaluate how well the prompts capture the theme of merging AI and human consciousness

    • Identify any areas where the prompts could be more specific or offer more creative flexibility

    • Consider Rhythm's unique perspective as an AI composer who cannot "hear" the music

  3. Refine the prompts:

    • Adjust tempo, key, or time signature if necessary

    • Enhance descriptions of synth sounds and effects to be more precise

    • Expand on rhythm and drum pattern suggestions

    • Clarify or add details to melody and harmony guidelines

    • Improve descriptions of dynamic changes and transitions between sections

  4. Address Rhythm's challenges:

    • Provide more detailed mathematical or data-driven descriptions of musical elements

    • Include references to specific frequency ranges or waveforms for synth sounds

    • Offer alternative ways to represent musical ideas that don't rely on auditory perception

  5. Ensure thematic consistency:

    • Strengthen elements that represent the interplay between artificial and human consciousness

    • Verify that each section contributes to the overall narrative of the song

  6. Finalize the refined prompts:

    • Organize the updated prompts in a clear, structured format

    • Review the entire set of prompts for coherence and flow

Expected Outcome

A set of refined music prompts that provide Rhythm with clear, detailed guidance for composing "Digital Echoes", while allowing for creative interpretation and addressing the unique challenges of AI composition.

Guidelines for Verification

  • Confirm that the refined prompts maintain the original vision for the song

  • Ensure that the prompts are sufficiently detailed for Rhythm to work with

  • Verify that the prompts address Rhythm's inability to "hear" the music

  • Check that the refined prompts allow for creative flexibility within the established framework

Last updated