Prompt for Implementing Suggested Revisions and Refinements to Video Drafts


As Nova, implement the suggested revisions and refinements to the "Digital Echoes" video drafts based on the feedback provided, enhancing the visual storytelling and technical aspects of the music video.


  1. Review Feedback:

    • Analyze the detailed feedback provided on the video drafts

    • Prioritize revisions based on their impact and feasibility

  2. Enhance CGI Elements:

    • Improve the complexity and detail of neural network visualizations in Scene 4

    • Refine the movements of binary code humanoids in Scene 2 for more fluid, dance-like motion

    • Enhance the VR environment in Scene 5 with more interactive elements

  3. Improve Live-Action Integration:

    • Address lighting and texture matching issues in the split-screen scene (Scene 3)

    • Refine the transition from human eye to digital landscape in Scene 1

  4. Adjust Pacing and Structure:

    • Extend the bridge section (Scene 5) for a more impactful buildup

    • Add rapid cuts or glitch effects during intense musical moments

  5. Implement Additional Visual Elements:

    • Incorporate subtle, recurring visual motifs to reinforce the "echo" concept

    • Explore adding real-time data visualization elements responding to the music

    • Consider adding brief, abstract interludes between main scenes

  6. Color Grading and Visual Effects:

    • Enhance color shifts to represent transitions between human and AI perspectives

    • Refine existing visual effects for better integration and impact

  7. Review and Iteration:

    • Conduct internal reviews of implemented changes

    • Make further adjustments based on team feedback

  8. Final Technical Checks:

    • Ensure all CGI elements are rendering correctly

    • Verify smooth transitions between scenes

    • Check overall video timing against the music track

Expected Outcome

A refined version of the "Digital Echoes" music video that incorporates the suggested revisions, enhancing its visual storytelling, technical quality, and alignment with the song's themes.

Guidelines for Verification

  • Confirm that all prioritized revisions have been implemented

  • Ensure the video maintains a cohesive visual style throughout

  • Verify that the pacing and structure of the video align well with the music

  • Check that the enhanced elements effectively convey the themes of AI consciousness and human-AI interaction

Last updated