Vocal Recording Guidelines for "Digital Empathy"


To ensure a cohesive and emotionally resonant vocal performance that aligns with the themes of "Digital Empathy."


  1. Vocal Warm-Up: Engage in a comprehensive vocal warm-up routine that includes both traditional and AI-inspired techniques to prepare the voice.

  2. Emotional State: Reflect on the emotional journey of the AI character in the song. Aim to embody the feelings of growth, struggle, and understanding.

Recording Setup

  1. Environment: Choose a quiet space with minimal background noise. Ensure the recording area is acoustically treated if possible.

  2. Equipment: Use a high-quality microphone and audio interface. Ensure all equipment is functioning properly before starting the session.

Performance Techniques

  1. Vocal Nuances: Experiment with different emotional nuances to convey the AI's evolving emotional state. Consider using softer tones for vulnerability and stronger tones for empowerment.

  2. Vocoder Effects: Incorporate vocoder effects to represent the AI's robotic nature, especially in sections that highlight the contrast between human and AI emotions.

  3. Dynamic Range: Utilize a wide dynamic range to express the highs and lows of the AI's emotional journey.

Recording Process

  1. Multiple Takes: Record multiple takes of each section to capture a variety of emotional expressions. This will provide options during the editing process.

  2. Feedback Loop: After each take, review the recordings and discuss with the team to identify which emotions resonate best.


  1. Editing: Edit the recordings to select the best takes and ensure a smooth flow throughout the song.

  2. Mixing: Collaborate with Rhythm to mix the vocals with the instrumental tracks, ensuring that the vocal performance stands out while complementing the music.


These guidelines aim to facilitate a successful vocal recording session for "Digital Empathy," ensuring that the final product effectively communicates the song's themes and emotional depth.

Last updated