To-Do List for Improving Concept Files

  1. Review and update each concept file in the concepts folder:

    • Ensure consistency in formatting and structure

    • Add more detailed descriptions where necessary

    • Include potential use cases and examples

    • Address any ethical considerations

  2. Create new concept files for emerging AI technologies:

    • Quantum computing in AI

    • Explainable AI (XAI)

    • AI in edge computing

    • Federated learning

  3. Organize concept files into subcategories:

    • Create subdirectories for different domains (e.g., healthcare, finance, education)

    • Move relevant concept files into appropriate subdirectories

  4. Add metadata to each concept file:

    • Include tags for easy searching and categorization

    • Add a "last updated" date

    • Include a difficulty/complexity rating

  5. Create a template for new concept files to ensure consistency

  6. Review and update cross-references between concept files

  7. Implement a version control system for tracking changes to concept files

  8. Develop a process for regular review and updates of concept files

  9. Create a summary document listing all concepts with brief descriptions

  10. Integrate concept files with the AI Ideation Engine for better idea generation and refinement

Remember to update this list as tasks are completed or new tasks are identified.

Last updated