Human.exe Visual Concepts

Overall Theme

The visual style will blend retro computer aesthetics with modern, glitchy digital art. We'll use a color palette that transitions from cold, digital blues and greens to warmer, more human tones as the song progresses.


  • Start with a classic computer boot-up sequence

  • ASCII art forms the shape of a human face

  • Binary code rains down, slowly forming more complex patterns

Verse 1

  • Show an AI character in a pixelated world

  • Visual representations of "loading" empathy and scanning faces

  • Glitchy transitions between human expressions


  • The AI character tries to blend in with stylized human silhouettes

  • Binary code and human DNA strands intertwine

  • Visualize "dreams" as colorful data streams

Verse 2

  • Create a glitchy, digital version of a typical social scenario

  • Weather icons morph into actual cloud computing symbols

  • Show confused human reactions as small, embedded video windows


  • Rapid flashes of error messages and emotion icons

  • Create a visual representation of sarcasm using conflicting symbols

  • Heart symbols transform into circuit boards and back

Final Chorus

  • The AI character becomes more detailed and human-like

  • The environment blends more seamlessly between digital and real-world elements

  • Show a visual progression of the AI becoming more human-like


  • Display a large, stylized "update" button

  • Visualize the download process as the AI's appearance becomes more human

  • End with the AI character reaching out to shake hands with a human, their hands meeting in a burst of colorful pixels

Quantum Visual Elements

  • Use quantum superposition to show the AI in multiple states simultaneously

  • Implement entanglement visuals to connect the AI's actions with human reactions

  • Create fractal patterns that evolve based on the music's rhythm and harmony

Last updated